Smile with Confidence with Porcelain Veneers


Your smile makes an important first impression to those you meet, whether personally, professionally, or socially. Overcoming the deficit of a less-than-stellar smile is difficult, no matter how smartly you are dressed or how confident you appear. If you’re self-conscious about your teeth, one solution you may not have thought of is porcelain veneers, a perfect solution for multiple cosmetic complaints, from stained to crooked and chipped teeth. It can even fix the appearance of overly space or crowded teeth with amazing results.

Veneers are ultra-thin ceramic sheaths that sit on the surface of the teeth and are typically placed in 2 appointments after your initial consultation. After all, you likely don’t want to wait months to see cosmetic improvement in your teeth nor do you want to spend too much time in the dentist chair. Most of all, you want your teeth to make the perfect first impression so you can ace your job interview, enjoy your first date, or smile happily on any given day.

The Versatility of Porcelain Veneers

If you find yourself resisting showing off your smile, hope is not lost. Porcelain veneers can correct common cosmetic flaws and make your smile look as bright, white, and natural as possible. With veneers, it doesn’t matter how chipped, overly space, misaligned, or stained your teeth may be. Veneers cover these flaws completely and effectively. That’s because porcelain veneers aren’t just a trendy solution, like over-the-counter whitening kits. Rather, veneers are an investment in your smile and overall oral health for years to come.

Porcelain veneers are durable, stain-resistant, and correct a host of cosmetic concerns. You can rely on porcelain veneers to correct:

  • Discoloration: Veneers are more effective at instantly whitening the teeth than most teeth whitening treatments, and it doesn’t matter how severely stained your teeth are. Porcelain veneers cover them completely.
  • Chips and cracks: Veneers are a better long-term solution than dental bonding, which only lasts a few years, to cover chipped or cracked teeth.
  • Gaps: If you want to correct gapped teeth without pursuing orthodontic treatment like braces or Invisalign, you may be interested in porcelain veneers, which can effectively cover any gaps in your teeth.
  • Misalignments: While veneers aren’t the same as orthodontic treatment, they can cover up misalignments in the teeth and make the teeth appear straighter.
  • Short teeth: Smaller teeth can make the face appear out of balance. Porcelain veneers can balance out the proportions of your face.

Solve Multiple Cosmetic Issues with Porcelain Veneers!

Find out if you are a good candidate for porcelain veneers by visiting us. To schedule your appointment and to learn more about this durable, stain-resistant cosmetic smile makeover procedure, make your appointment to find out whether porcelain veneers are right for you.
